Here’s The Real Reason Why Tony Armstrong ‘Pulled Out’ Of This Year’s Bachelor Last Minute

tony armstrong the bachelor

Gossip poddy So Dramatic! has spilt the tea on why Australia’s boyfriend Tony Armstrong dropped out of being the leading man of The Bachelor 2023, breaking the hearts of fans across the country.

According to So Dramatic!, one of the producers on The Bachelor revealed what happened with Tony Armstrong to one of the contestant’s friends during a hometown visit pre-filming.

It’s giving “my friend’s friend’s uncle’s sister told me the tea”, but I’ll take anything at this point (albeit with a huge grain of salt).

The gossip on the street is that Tony was at the contract-signing stage, but dropped out because he had concerns an appearance on The Bachelor would damage “his brand and career”.

Considering the fact that The Bachelor is a possibly cursed franchise, I think Tony made the best decision of his career right there.

“He thought it might not align with his personal branding and could actually ruin future career prospects,” the anon source told So Dramatic!

As much as I would have enjoyed watching Tony look for love (I reckon that’ll make for some super wholesome viewing), I’m glad he didn’t take up the offer from The Bachelor. Tony’s at the level of national fame where an entire show could be made dedicated to such a thing. Call it “Tony’s Rules” or something, I don’t know.

In somewhat recent Tony Armstrong news, the legendary moment where he went hog-wild on ABC brekkie TV after the Socceroos won their qualifying World Cup playoff went international in November.

The clip involved Armstrong briefly losing his mum’s scarf, which was a simply gorgeous fashion item. I too would be tempted to yoink it in all that chaos.

John Oliver, one of the only American night show host’s not named Jimmy, shared the moment on Last Week Tonight. In an absolutely bizarre twist, Oliver claimed he had the infamous scarf in his possession. Yep, somehow the scarf had crossed seas and landed in the hands of John Oliver himself.

Armstrong clearly saw the clip and decided to dispel the myths that his scarf was missing during an ABC News Breakfast segment.

This man clearly doesn’t need a TV show to find love. Look at him! He’s such a catch.

If you need me I’ll be out the back crying because I’m single (I’m not single, but I’m not in a relationship with Tony Armstrong either, so I may as well be).