Rumour Has It Honey Badger Is Back With Cass & We Are Mighty Confused RN

This latest season of The Bachelor is a trash fire of rumours and hearsay and nothing is real anymore guys, nothing, we are living in a simulation, true love is a myth, we are all going to die alone. That got dark quick, sorry.

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We had just about managed to accept the likelihood that Honey Badger splits from the winner – and that’s probably Brittany Hockley.

We were prepared to take at face value the shocking tabloid pics of Brooke Blurton maybe definitely walking the heck outta there on Wednesday night’s ep.

We thought it was possible that he had pulled a Blake Garvey and already moved in on Sophie Tieman.

But now we’re expected to accept this new rumour that the person Cummins is dating rn is actually poor sweet cherub, CassI haven’t had a single date yetWood, and shut the front door I’m not leaving my house until the finale airs and I can finally have some closure on this.

After last week, when Wood was brutally crushed after hometown visits, and we were crushed in turn, this feels like too much for us to handle. Especially after Wood said to us, her friends at PEDESTRIAN.TV, that she “truly believe[s] he is with the winner that he chose“.

Still, I feel it is my journalistic duty to report to you that NW spoke to an insider who says Badge is back together with the girl he dated on and off for six months in the outside world last year.

Nick felt compelled to let Cassie go after Britt’s hometown date. The pressure was on for him to prove that Cass wasn’t planted on the show for him, and he made a rash decision – but it wasn’t a decision that he sincerely wanted to make.

The very same source also weighed in on Blurton’s escape from the mansion:

She must have clued on after the showdown between Britt and Cass, and just taken herself out of the running to make sure she didn’t look like a fool in the end. It was very obvious that Cass and Nick had something special, and it was something neither of them were going to just ‘get over’.

They think the couple will announce their union after the finale airs this week, even though Badge is definitely in Papua New Guinea rn: “It’s going to be intense – but they’re happy.”

While this would throw some of what Wood told us last week about the pair “remain[ing] friends” out the window, it would explain why even last week following her elimination the girl was talking about Cummins as “someone that I could see myself with“, and someone who could hypothetically be her “perfect match“.

And it would explain why in mid-September she was talking to OK! like her and Bachie are currently dating, saying that she could go on GoPro adventures with or without her possible beau., and that she doesn’t “really think that there is anything that could come in [between her and Badge“.

Honestly, at this point we have as little idea as you do about wtf is going on here. We should know more Thursday.