Grimes Is Apparently Dating Whistleblower Chelsea Manning So Cross That One Off Yr 2022 Bingo

Girls, gays and Twitter addicts, I bring thee news from the deep recesses of the internet. Known performative Karl Marx enjoyer Grimes is reportedly dating whistleblower Chelsea Manning. Somewhere Elon Musk just woke up in a cold sweat and started drawing blueprints for useless inventions in a fugue state.

The rumoured relo comes from Page Six. A source told the publication that Grimes and Chelsea Manning “U-Hauled” their relationship.

As a lesbian, this is very relatable to me. Good work team.

“They’re getting serious. They U-Hauled it,” the source said.

“They’ve been living together in Austin.”

According to Page Six, the pair have been frequently interacting on Twitter.

It’s good to know that at the end of the day celebrities are just like us. Keep faving someone’s MAFS tweets until you fall in love! It’s apparently tried and tested.

In case you need a refresher, Chelsea Manning is a former soldier who leaked files about the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to WikiLeaks.

She was initially sentenced to 35 years in prison before former U.S. President Barack Obama commuted her as one of his final acts in office. Chelsea Manning was released from prison back in 2017.

She’s also written a memoir and it’s due to be published later this year.

The internet has obviously had a fucking field day with this information. Why am I not surprised?

The news comes days after it was revealed that Grimes and Elon Musk had a second child. Grimes shared the news in an interview with Vanity Fair.

The couple named the baby Dark Sideræl Musk.  It’s giving Lord of the Rings vibes and I lowkey appreciate.

Grimes also confirmed in the interview that her relo with Musk is “fluid”. But on March 10 she said that they’d broken up again.

My brain is a ping pong ball and Grimes and Elon Musk are playing a game of singles.

Neither Grimes nor Chelsea Manning responded to Page Six’s request for comment.

They also haven’t publicly spoken about the relationship yet. But if they’re like any other queer couple I know, we’ll see an Instagram soft launch and an adopted retired greyhound any minute now.