Becky Has Apparently Pulled A Blake Garvey & Is Now Dating Her Bachelorette Runner-Up Adrian

Well, apparently Becky Miles has pulled a Blake Garvey and is said to be secretly dating steampunk-hat himself, Adrian Baena.

After that snooze-fest of a Bachelorette finale on Thursday, Becky revealed that while she was stoked that her younger sister Elly found love, she didn’t find it herself with winner, Pete Mann.

In a heart-felt Instagram post she wrote: “Thank you to everyone for coming on this incredible and crazy journey with Elly and I. We came into this experience wanting a fairy tale ending for the two of us, and while I am thrilled that Elly found her person in Frazer, unfortunately things didn’t work out with Pete and I.”

Becky also told PEDESTRIAN.TV that after three days together, Pete called it quits over fucken FaceTime. Ooft that’s gotta hurt.

However, there may be a steampunk-hat-shaped-light at the end of the tunnel. YES, according to So Dramatic!, a source said that Becky may have pulled a Blake Garvey and is now dating runner-up, Adrian.

Blake became one of Australia’s most hated Bachies after dumping winner Sam Frost a day after the finale to date second runner-up, Louise Pillidge.

The source said that since filming wrapped, Becky and Adrian have been going on secret dates to see if the relationship has legs.

If you watched the finale, you’ll know that there was mad chemistry between the pair.

But here’s a little reminder to refresh your memory.

Exhibit A.
Exhibit B.
Exhibit C.

I really hope they work out, because 1) Becky will be happy and 2) if Adrian gets more media attention, we might finally find out why he wore that steampunk hat at the first cocktail party.