Tumblr Is Officially Bringing Back Nudity & I For One Welcome Cock And Balls Back To My Feed

tumblr lifts porn ban

Attention horny denizens of the internet — Tumblr has announced that it’s reverting its community guidelines to include “the naked human form”. Sure, it isn’t a full return to the glory days of old (hardcore porn gifs), but it’s definitely a step in the right direction.

Allow me to hit you with some history to explain why this change is so fkn monumental. First, we must go back to the early 2010’s when Tumblr was a glorious place for everyone to thrive together in perfect harmony.

Diehard fans of TV shows could share lewd pictures of Doctor Who or Dean Winchester tonguing Castiel. Artists were able to share their exquisite images with the internet and all of the stark-naked people they’ve ever dared to draw. Comedy accounts had a place to share their well-crafted jokes and eventually start posting nudes once their face reveal became their most popular post.

It was a place where nothing was off-limits and everything was surprisingly horny. Basically, it was heaven.

However, everything changed when the “porn ban” hit in 2018. Cock and balls on main were no more and a mass exodus occurred.

Tumblr staff members announced today that they’d be tweaking the adult content rules of old. Nips out for Tumblr!


I have to stress one thing though: porn is not cumming back to the website. Well, at least for now it isn’t.

Remember, the reason why porn was banned in the first place was that it was impossible to monitor and control. Child porn was slipping through on rogue accounts.

Tumblr tried to crack down on explicit content before they removed all adult content from the platform, but it resulted in a heap of accounts having their content hidden away. Protest art including nudity was removed and so was harmless lewd fan art.

Really the best way for the platform to nip all of these issues in the bud was to just blanket ban nudity in general.

It looks like now we’ll be able to post nudes on Tumblr once more and filter the content we see even better. Tiddies and peens are back baby!

Users are allowed to post content featuring “nudity, mature subject matter or sexual themes” but can’t post “visual depictions of sexually explicit acts”. So that drawing you did of Henry Cavill with a schlong that hits the floor is okay but don’t go posting those sped-up and endlessly repeating cumshot GIFs (oh how I miss those).


Well friends, now that Twitter is slowly dying and Zuckerberg‘s Meta is losing money at a ridiculous rate, I guess I’ll see you back on Tumblr. I may even see more of you than I bargained for. We can do that now!