Everyone’s Rallying Around Cornelius The Unicorn After KC Tried To Turf Him On ‘MAFS’

Contributor: PEDESTRIAN.TV

Tonight’s episode was filled with unhappy couples, a severe lack of communication (particularly on Mishelf’s behalf, given the whole no voice thing) and a whole lot of fake chatter about how excited everyone is about their respective futures together – so, essentially, just business as usual. Check out the full episode recap here.

Let’s just dive straight into the ambiguous clusterfuck that is these tweets, which directly correlates to the ambiguous clusterfuck that is these relationships.




The most pertinent part of the episode was undoubtably the moment KC threatened to kick sweet angel Cornelius to the kerb without Drew’s consent. The internet has subsequently rallied behind the unicorn, who can’t help but be a soft unicorn toy who just wants to be cuddled and love. You have no choice to stan. If you don’t, you have no soul – period.

Because the rest of the episode was rather uneventful, I hereby dedicate the rest of this Twitter round-up to Cornelius, the internet’s newfound king.



Safe to say, Cornelius has some fans now. BRB, starting a petition to make him our next Bachelor.