Josh Pihlak’s Mum Calls His ‘MAFS’ Bride Cathy Evans An “Actress From Hell” In Savage FB Post

Married At First Sight villains don’t always come in the form of brides and grooms, sometimes it’s the in-laws who stir the pot more so than the contenders.

And Josh Pihlak’s salty-ass mother certainly did her share of pot-stirring, not just during the home visits but also on social media.

In an FB post unearthed by WHO magazine, Pihlak’s mum Mandy Manning accused Cathy Evans of signing up to the show purely for fame.

“Actress from hell,” Mandy wrote on FB. Another family member added: “We did well to keep our gobs shut until now! Cathy is playing a victim! The tears, definitely trying to get on Home and Away. She’s playing her role well, sort of.”

Credit: FB

After a MAFS fan commented “we now know they break up for good”, Mandy responded: “She was a paid actress hunny, employed by producers.”

Cathy has yet to respond to the scathing comments delivered by her ex’s mum.