Hillary Clinton Faced Kim K In A Law Quiz & It’s Giving Gaslight, Gatekeep And Girlboss

Hillary Cliton and Kim Kardashian faced off in a legal quiz

Two of the best-known girlbosses to ever girlboss, Hillary Clinton and Kim Kardashian, faced off in a legal knowledge quiz. And despite Clinton being a former partner in a law firm, it was in fact Kimmy K who reigned supreme.

The context for this? No, not a strategy meeting for the 2024 US Presidential Election. It’s part of Clinton and her daughter Chelsea‘s new Apple+ show Gutsy.

The show is set to feature cameos from Megan Thee Stallion (genuinely cool), as well as the aforementioned Kardashian, Gloria SteinemWanda SykesKate HudsonGoldie Hawn and Natalie Wynn (the YouTuber ContraPoints) and a bunch of others, as per Deadline.

PEOPLE got a sneak peak at Gusty, including the ep where Kardashian and Clinton (Klinton?) versed each other in a legal knowledge quiz.

Kim Kardashian has passed the baby bar exam, and previously spoken about her interest in prison and criminal justice reform.

Hillary Clinton is a former lawyer who co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families.

According to PEOPLE, Kim beat Hillary 11 to four on the quiz. Yikes!

“Kim has studied more recently than you,” Chelsea Clinton said on the ep. You’d think you’d do a bit of prep work beforehand though? Surely?

Not gonna lie, if I was doing a televised quiz I’d definitely brush up on my facts.

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Clinton told PEOPLE the loss was “heartbreaking!”. But she also said Kim was a very hard worker. Yeah, you would bloody hope so from the infamous Kim “get your fucking ass up and work” Kardashian.

“She worked so hard [on the bar] and persevered,” Hilary Clinton said.

“We didn’t interview her about fashion… her many lines of commerce… her personal life.

“We interview about what she was doing to help get people who were unjustly or unfairly incarcerated have a second chance.”

According to Chelsea Clinton, her mum knew all the answers but just had poor reaction time.

I’ve heard that one before, as have virtually all my highschool teachers.

If you want to watch two very wealthy white women quiz each other on the law, Gutsy drops on Apple+ on September 9.