Click Here To See How The Internet Reacted To Armie Hammer Allegedly Being A Horny Cannibal

With screenshots of horny, cannibalistic and downright cursed DMs allegedly sent by actor Armie Hammer to a handful of women, the internet has not been able to stop thinking about this man and his alleged urge to drink blood.

There’s still a lot of questions as to the context of the messages (you can read more about that here) and Hammer himself has yet to say a word on the matter.

But none of this has stopped the internet from whipping up meme after meme about Hammer, the blood he allegedly craves, and sweet boy Timothée Chalamet.

It started out with our collective shock. Amid all the chaos happing all over the world, the internet somehow found a moment to just sit still in horror.

Then people addressed the elephant bodily fluid in the room: the blood.

How easily does he allegedly get turned on by it? How often does the man even – again, allegedly – encounter blood in his everyday life?

Like… just imagine the possibilities.

We also had to unpack what this alleged fetish means for Call My By Your Name.

Thanks to all this drama, none of us can look at that movie the same way ever again. Great.

Then there’s the matter of the inevitable sequel to CMBYN.

Imagine being on set with a dude knowing that he may well want to disembowel you and drink your gooey innards right then and there.

Forget Hammer for a moment. Won’t somebody please think of Timothee Chamalet?!

The same applies to The Social Network.

I can’t ever look at the Winklevoss twins the same way again.

People even made mood boards on Twitter, complete with kittens, vajankles and blood banks.

Then Tumblr had to take it too far.

It’s worth noting that quite a few people have questioned whether the Insta DM screenshots are legit, but the woman who original posted them has hit back at the skeptics.

Again, Hammer himself has yet to comment on the matter.

But all this aside, in the end, a few people admitted that they were lowkey turned on by the horny, cannibalistic DMs that Hammer allegedly sent.

Who amongst us, etc.