God Has Truly Forsaken Us Because A Bowl Of Chips Without Sauce Is Apparently $16 In Sydney

Another day, another Aussie establishment is getting dragged on Reddit for charging an arm and a leg for a simple menu item. Curse you, cozzie livs.

On today’s menu: a simple bowl of “sauce-less” hot chippies for $16.

Yep, you read that right—16 buckaroos for a bowl of deep-fried potatoes with no sauce and no — it’s not an episode of Punk’d or Prank Patrol, according to this Redditor.

On r/Australia — a subreddit jam-packed with news, nostalgia and topics surrounding Down Under — Redditor /u/nickbjorn put an unnamed Sydney pub on blast for charging him $16.10 for a sad bowl of chips.

I just paid $16.10 for chips in Sydney
byu/nickbjornn inaustralia

“No sauce, yes on a Sunday, but what has happened?” the Redditor wrote, possibly hinting that a weekend surcharge could’ve been the reason behind the fucked price.

As the post went gangbusters on the forum site, many other Aussies have chucked in their two cents on the jaw-dropping price.

“How do seagulls afford city living?” one user commented.

“Imagine paying $16 for sauce-less chips,” another person added.

“Bro they look soggy and extremely dry at the same time. How tf does that work,” wrote a third.

Although heaps of people were shocked, some of the internet folks dragged the Redditor for actually paying the horrid price for the sad bowl, accusing them of “being a part of the problem”.

“OP [Original Poster], you’re part of the problem by seeing the menu and ordering them anyway,” one Redditor added.

“So you looked at the price and paid it anyway?” a second user asked.

“And this is why companies continue to take the piss because people keep fucking paying them,” wrote a third.

$16 dollars so much! Just for a bowl of chips without sauce? My bank account is already crying.

One Redditor reckons the owners inflated the price because drunk people were more willing to spend that dosh on the grub.

“If I were drunk at a bar that sold fries and I was hungry and it’s exactly what I wanted, why the hell not?” Redditor /u/gravity_loss wrote.

byu/nickbjornn from discussion

Back in August, a Darwin play centre was put on blast for charging $63.40 for a meal, and in October, a café was put on blast on r/Sydney for charging 18 dollary-doos for takeaway banana bread.

At this point, I’m just gonna grow a potato patch and DIY my own chips. Hopefully, the seeds don’t cost $16.

Image source: Reddit