This American Roasted The Way Aussies Pronounce ‘Oh’ & It’s Great Except For One Huge Flaw

With the exception of “yeah, nah,” Aussies do pronounce the word “no” kinda weirdly. It’s more of a nœh. Not just “no”, either, but the whole letter O in general.

That’s why our accent has been relentlessly ridiculed by Americans online as of late.

Just because their hegemonic pronunciation of “no” and other O-words – as enforced by pop culture and economic dominance – has become the norm, doesn’t mean that our insistence on pronouncing every vowel sound in the two-letter word is wrong.

I quite like the way we pronounce the O-sound, tbh.

In comes American TV writer Caitie Delaney, who was brave enough to take on our accent and kind of do it justice.

“You going to Tahget? We need new pillœhs,” she says in the clip, giving half the country flashbacks of their mums after school in Year 1.

“We need evocahdœhs, yeee.”

It’s a pretty good act. A touch too Kiwi, and perhaps a little too Prue & Trude for my liking, but she’s doing a way better job at our accent than most Americans, that’s for sure.

But here’s where the charade falls apart: “A couple of packets of Jello.”

Excuse me? Jello?!

No, no, no, no, no, no. It’s pronounced jelly in this country, sweetie.

“Hmm, maybe red, no, better get yellœh,” she continues.

Yellœh Jello.”

The Simpsons GIF

It. Just. Doesn’t. Work.

Oh also, she referred to sponges as “Brillos” at the beginning of the clip. What the fuck?

Now we know why Aussies in American TV shows are always written so weirdly, as if they were born and raised not in Adelaide but in the uncanny valley of cultural cringe itself.

The lesson here is that if you’re gonna mock our ridiculous accent, do ya bloody research beforehand.