WATCH: Melbourne Bloke Pulls A ‘Busted Plugga’, Stops Car Theft In Thongs

Australia has a short but deliriously rich history of thong-wearing blokes thwarting robberies. This morning, we were all gifted with a spiritual sequel to last year’s Busted Plugga legend, courtesy of Melbourne bloke Josh Denney and his cool-as-a-fkn-cucumber approach to a wannabe thief. 

In narratively-rich video posted to straight to Facebook, Denney approaches a bloke rifling through his whip in a St Kilda carpark with precisely zero of confrontational gusto we’ve come to expect from our Havvy-clad heroes. 

Regardless, the end result is a complete and utter success, and you better have a gander for yourself right this second.
The poise. The composure. The awareness to offer a passer-by the all-day ticket. Just quietly, this could herald the beginning of Australia’s own Plugga League: for all the legwork shown in Queensland, it’s obvious that a wee bit of a lighter touch can be just as effective. 

PEDESTRIAN.TV contacted Josh a wee bit earlier, and he told us playing it cool was a v. conscious decision. 

“By the time I got my phone out and got the camera on it took about 30 seconds so I was in no rush to pounce on him, I was just thinking no one would believe this.

Plus there is nothing as exciting as crayons in my car!”

He also mentioned he was pretty pleased with how the whole deal turned out, saying “no disrespect to him but I think by the look of him he had a rougher morning than me.”
“I got my stuff back, he got to keep the crayons and the lady got a free days park, happy days!”

Since the bloke obviously knows how to defuse a sketchy situation, we also quizzed him on his technique. Obviously a quick 000 call is the right course of action, but he said it helps to “keep cool, analyse the situation from a distance, take photo/video for evidence and if it is safe to approach then do so but be prepared to run, you don’t know what they might have on them.”

“I knew my mate was just after a dollar or 2 or maybe a scrapbook.”

As for the significance of those bloody crayons? The official verdict is: NFI, mates. 
“We’ve got no idea, personally…. but the next time he does this I will confiscate them.”
He closed by apologising for his jeans-on-things ensemble, but if there’s anything we’ve learnt in the past few months, it’s that pluggas are near-essential theft deterrents. Outside of that, it’s still an A++ idea to just call the police, but still. Onya. 

Source and photo: Josh Denney / Facebook.