Store Manager Tells SA Bloke Who Tried To Return 4,800 Rolls Of Bog Roll To Promptly Fuck Off

An Adelaide man was denied a refund on his stockpile of toilet paper and hand sanitiser after he was unable to flip it online for a profit.

It’s a huge show of remorse after panic-buying and stockpiling swept the country a month ago.

“I had my first customer yesterday, who said he wanted to get a refund on 150 packets of 32-roll toilet paper and 150 units of one-litre sanitiser,” John-Paul Drake, director of Drakes Supermarkets said in his weekly YouTube vlog.

That equates to almost 5,000 rolls of toilet paper and enough hand sanitiser to fill a medium-sized wheelie bin.

Drake said he responded by giving the TP fiend the middle finger.

“That is the sort of person that is causing the problem around the whole country,” he added.

In March, people around Australia began hoarding toilet paper faster than ever before, leading to chaos in supermarkets and heaps of memes.

“The scenes that everyone’s seen with the toilet paper has been absolutely ridiculous,” Drake said.

Retailers and toilet paper manufacturers have stressed that production has not been affected by coronavirus pandemic. In fact, it’s been increased to keep up with all the panic buying.

This means the shortage of toilet paper on shelves was from individuals buying too much, too quickly.

With eBay and Amazon shutting down the online stores of people who try to flip essential goods during the pandemic, people like the Adelaide man now have two choices: to donate their stockpile, or find a way to use it up themselves.

Maybe that’ll wipe the smile off their faces.