The Internet Is Divided Over This Viral Yet Extremely Morbid Snapchat

There is one thing that always follows a viral picture: the controversy about the viral picture, which threatens to tear the internet asunder and condemn every person who liked, shared or commented on the original pic.

Today’s entry is a true doozy – entirely unconfirmed Snapchat screenshots of someone doing a classic ‘THAT’S ME’ to a sleeping person before realising the person they said was ‘me’ was in fact, uh, dead.

That tweet, and the hundreds of ripoff tweets / Facebook posts / absurdly pixellated Instagram screenshots has raised absolute hell, with people firmly divided between two camps: ‘that’s funny’ and ‘my god that is not funny at all, not remotely’. 
But here’s the thing: the internet doesn’t care. The internet – which increasingly seems like it was a mistake – does not care for base morality when it decides to send something viral.
(Note that absolutely nothing about this Snapchat is confirmed to be true or not. Nothing.)

Folks. Don’t laugh. Do not.
Source: Twitter.