Scott Morrison Says It Was Nice To See Trump After The ‘Pile-On’ (Criminal Trial) He’s Copped

scott morrison donald trump

Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been slammed for a cooked social media post he made about former US President and the only president to have been impeached *twice* Donald Trump.

Morrison, retired from politics (thank fuck), is currently in the US to promote his new book Plans for Your Good: A Prime Minister’s Testimony of God’s Faithfulness, which features a foreword written by fellow evangelical Christian politician and former Veep Mike Pence.

While in New York, he caught up with fellow washed-up politician, Trump.

“Was pleased to meet with former president Donald Trump on Tuesday night at his private residence in NY,” Morrison captioned the post on X (formerly Twitter).

“It was nice to catch up again, especially given the pile-on he is currently dealing with in the US. Was also a good opportunity to discuss AUKUS, which received a warm reception.”

“Good to see you DJT and thanks for the invitation to stay in touch. All the best,” he concluded.

The real kicker here is what Trump was doing just *hours* before his catch up with ScoMo… He was in court as part of his historic hush money trial, in which he stands accused of falsifying business records to cover up an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels.

In court on Tuesday, Trump’s own former attorney Michael Cohen was cross-examined after detailing Trump’s alleged involvement in a scheme to hide negative information about himself from voters before the 2016 election. Cross-examiners noted that he had previously called Trump a “boorish cartoon misogynist”, a “Cheeto-dusted cartoon villain”, and a “dictator douchebag”.

“I would not lie for President Trump any longer,” Cohen said in court on Tuesday.

“I regret doing things for him that I should not have. Lying. Bullying people in order to effectuate a goal,” Cohen said. “But to keep the loyalty and do things that he had asked me to do — I violated my moral compass, and I suffered the penalty, as has my family.”

Of course, Morrison makes no mention of any of this in his social media post, but it didn’t take social media users long to draw the connection.

“How on earth is it appropriate for you to talk about AUKUS with an ex President who’s under investigation for lots of criminal activities? You’re a danger to Australian security!” one user wrote.

“Did you serenade him with your ukulele?” another questioned.

“One crook meeting another,” a third added.

The Coalition frontbencher who once said she’d “have a curry for the country” Michaelia Cash, however, praised the meeting.

“There’s a proud legacy of Scott Morrison as prime minister of this country with the AUKUS deal. We put the security of Australia and Australians first and foremost,” she told Channel 9, despite the fact that this man is not an elected member of Parliament anymore and probably shouldn’t be chatting with Trump about submarine deals.

“It is good to see that regardless of who is the president of the United States, they are committed to the AUKUS deal, as I said, a legacy of the former Coalition government.”

Morrison will launch his book at the Australian Embassy in Washington on Wednesday evening, alongside Kevin Rudd, Kellyanne Conway and Mike Pompeo.

You can read Morrison’s book, or you can repeatedly hit your head against a brick wall. I, for one, would prefer the latter.