Meanwhile In The UK, Everyone’s In A Tizz Over Prince George Wearing A Suit To The Football

Prince George

What fascinates me about the royals are all the archaic rules they have to adhere to, and the way stuffy normies who have nothing to do with anything like to clutch their pearls when said rules aren’t adhered to.

Who could forget when Meghan Markle dared to show her arms at a memorial service? Disgoostang.

Anyway, you can see why the royals would err on the side of caution when it comes to how they present themselves in public. Better to be safe than piled on by plebs, right?

Which is clearly what Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton were thinking when they kitted their son Prince George out for the football this week.

On Tuesday, seven-year-old Prince George attended the UEFA Euro 2020 match between England and Germany at Wembley Stadium alongside his parents William and Kate, and wore a (frankly, quite adorable) suit and tie for the occasion. Sorry, but there’s something about a kid in a tiny suit that just kills me every time.

But of course, normies on Twitter had a few things to say about the royals’ choice of outfit for their seven-year-old, with many pointing out that Prince George probably could have just worn an England soccer kit like a normal seven-year-old.

However, like me, a lot of Twitter also thinks it was really fucking adorable. And maybe Prince George likes tizzing up and matching his dad! We don’t know him, he could own 20 suits already and insist on wearing them around the house!

And also, let’s not forget the ~rules~. Prince George is the future King of England so probably has to wear a suit in the royal box.

Hey, it’s been awhile since people fought to the death over what some royal wore in public. Guess we were overdue for it!