Melbourne is Officially Getting a Cat Cafe

There’s now no need to travel all the way to Japan if you want to publicly share a warm bevvy with a kitty, as Cat Cafe Melbourne have officially announced they’ve found the perfect place to set up shop.

Slated to open in July, you’ll be able to tickle a feline while sipping a flat white at 375 Queen Street, Melbourne, just next to the Queen Victoria Market.

The cats behind the cafe Anita and Myles Loughran have launched one final crowd-funding campaign to raise five grand to fit out the space and to buy a shitload of catnip.

Coming from animal rescue shelters, the kitties will live on the premises and be provided with everything their little furry hearts desire. Plus belly rubs. Many belly rubs. The cafe will also be raising money and awareness for local shelters.

If you’re worried about finding a furball in your coffee, don’t worry, the food and cats will be kept separate.

Get ready for many kitty hugs, it’s been a great week for cats.

via Cat Cafe Melbourne’s Facebook

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