Canberra May Soon Get The #Auspol-Themed Cat Cafe It Never Knew It Wanted

While Melbourne and Sydney have already been gifted the obscure and unfathomably popular phenomenon of cat cafes, Canberra’s contribution to destinations of that ilk have—until now—been lacking. Which hasn’t been a particularly tragic thing in itself, really, when you can easily fang yourself over to Questacon and kill a solid day over there instead. 

But keeping in line with its practice of jumping aboard a trend moments after it’s lost its steam, Canberra may soon have a cat cafe of its own, if a lofty crowdfunding goal of $120,000 is reached. 

And because cat cafes are a veritable, bona fide thing now, Canberra’s addition to the game isn’t your run-of-the-mill offering to our feline overlords – much like Sydney’s offshoot is whacking a space theme to allure visitors, Canberra’s upcoming Capital Cat Café will use historical political figures as its theme’s fodder – naming its cats after Australian politicians.

The time to be alive? What a thing it truly is.

So far there aren’t any Bob Cat-ters or Tony Abysinians or Meowcolm Turnbulls on the cards – but there is a Julia Gillard (“a very independent cat“, the owners told Fairfax), a Quentin Bryce and an Edmund Barton set to indulge you in the pure and utter madness that the world has now come to.

Capital Cat Cafe’s crowdfunding campaign can be supported over here

via Canberra Times