McDonald’s Is Getting Into The Gourmet Burger Game

Say what you want about the corporation as a whole, but McDonald’s certainly isn’t afraid of adapting to a rapidly changing marketplace. Expanding the menu and incorporating home delivery have been developments successfully implemented by the fast food giant in recent times, and now they’ve got their sights set on engaging the ever-expanding palate of the customer by introducing a range of build-it-yourself “gourmet” burgers.

With the burger revolution in full swing – some of our favourites from around the country can be found in this handy guide we knocked up a little while ago – McDonald’s has decided to get fully involved with the introduction of the “Create Your Taste” burger menu, launched on October 1st at the Castle Hill restaurant, with the system to be rolled out nationally over the next 6 to 9 months.
The system works via touch-screen kiosks, where you customise your burger in five steps – number and type of patties, bun, cheese, extra toppings and sauce. From all accounts, the number of variants available is impressive: brioche buns, jalapeños, tortilla strips, caramelised onions, eggs, bacon, chilli jam, aioli, chipotle, and many more.
From there you get a little print out to clip to your table, and someone brings out your artery-clogging monstrosity served on a wooden board, with fries served in a little wire basket. Almost like an actual restaurant!
Naturally it costs a little more than your average quarter pounder and mightn’t come with the euphoric 5 minute high followed by numbing nothingness that their regular menu affords its eaters (and, honestly, where’s the fun in that?) but in a pinch it’s a solid way to get the burger you want made in a consistent manner.
Whether or not it overtakes the company’s prime purpose of being a late night resource of acquiring a bag full of hangover lessening cheeseburgers remains to be seen.
Photo: Mark Kolbe via Getty Images.

via Good Food.