Japanese Man Uses Twitter To Avert Toilet Crisis

If this isn’t indicative of the technology dependent world we live in, I don’t know what is. Early last week a Japanese gentleman (Twitter handle naika_tei) was in desperate need of assistance after he took a number two in an Akihabara district toilet stall with no toilet paper.

Caught between a rock and a brown place, naika_tei turned to Twitter for assistance saying: “[Urgently needed] toilet paper in the 3rd floor toilet of Akiba Yodobashi.” Twenty minutes later a kind-hearted follower, whose identity is currently unknown, saved naika_tei from his no TP predicament, prompting the following tweet: “The toilet paper arrived safely! Thank you very much!“.

Yep you can’t make this up. Twitter saves Japanese man from potential poo-pants emergency, God bless the intranets.

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