Golden Retriever Digging In A US Backyard Discovers $100,000 Of Heroin

A very good, crime-fightin’ golden retriever in Oregon has dug up over $100,000 worth of black tar heroin in his backyard.

The 18-month-old doggo, named Kenyon, found the suss package, containing 425 grams – or 15 ounces – of dope, in early August.

His owners video-taped themselves opening the package, thinking their dog had uncovered a time capsule buried by the house’s previous owners, but quickly discovered that what they were actually holding was some low-quality smack.

The couple contacted the police, who later named Kenyon an Honorary Narcotics K-9 for life – a symbolic member of the police department’s Canine Unit.

Yamhill County Sheriff Tim Svenson congratulated K-9 Kenyon, presenting him with a K-9 citation ribbon, and said: “Opioid addiction and overdose deaths are on the rise and with the help of Kenyon this large quantity of heroin is removed from our community.”

Kenyon is reportedly heaps chuffed with his new accessory:

Who’s a good boy? Kenyon is.