Stop Trying To Make Dan’s Love Story Happen ‘Big Brother’, It’s Not Going To Happen

big brother dan love

The Big Brother housemates were finally put in coronavirus lockdown tonight and hoo boy, it’s wild. Remember way back when we didn’t know about coronavirus? What a simpler time that was.

Given the fact that the whole world is a bit of a shit show, contestants were given a chance to call their family members. You know, because Big Brother really ~cares~ and not at all as a desperate attempt to make us like Dan.

At this point, we’re all well aware that the producers want Dan to win, but good lord, can they be a bit more subtle?

They keep pushing the Dan + *insert girlfriend’s name I’ve forgotten here* narrative, as if it makes him sound like this sweet guy that we should all love. But honestly, nobody is buying it. To be quite honest, it just makes us all think he was a bit shit to his girlfriend and now she’s stuck with him (again).

Trust us Big Brother, nobody – and I repeat, NOBODY – gives a shit about this love story.

If they were going to push this narrative, they should’ve at least warned Dan not to get cozy with Talia in the first few episodes, because fans are pissed.

We don’t care about the storyline. We simply do not.

But we *especially* don’t care about Daniel proposing to his girlfriend (who he only JUST rekindled things with) over speaker phone after promising to win $250k and to buy her a golden retriever. Uhh… WHAT?!

It is just SO. SO. SOOOOO. Cringe. Seriously, Big Brother make it stop.

We all know Dan is going to win, buy a house and a golden retriever and *hopefully* have a better proposal than whatever the fuck we saw in the Diary Room tonight.