Does Anyone Else Feel Just Plain Exhausted After The Taylor Swift Ticket Sales This Week?

taylor swift eras tour tickets exhaustion

Folks, we did it. Well, some of us did. I certainly didn’t … get tickets to see Taylor Swift at her Eras Tour, that is. But we did endure one, two, maybe even three waves of Ticketek’s brutal queue-which-wasn’t-really-a-queue-after-all-it-was-actually-more-of-a-lottery. So, in that sense, we did it. And now, if you’re anything like me, you’re fucking exhausted.

It feels weird to suggest that sitting in front of your screen, glancing over at a blue loading bar every few seconds, is an activity that could cause physical exhaustion. I mean, you literally just sat there?

Nevertheless, here we are. Waking up this weekend feeling like we’ve been hit by a truck.

It’s not the same kind of exhaustion you feel after a run or a gym session.

It’s a dull, more colourless sense of exhaustion. Especially for those who didn’t manage to get past Ticketek’s ghoulish virtual gates.

It’s generally accepted that there are five types of exhaustion.

Emotional, physical, mental, social and moral.

This whole ordeal definitely had us experiencing those first three in spades.

So many folks have immensely rich, genuine and human connections to Taylor’s music that knowing you were going to miss out on experiencing it live would’ve taken a huge emotional toll.

Likewise, the act of physically planting your bum at a screen, heart racing, checking on it for hours on end would’ve knocked you around too.

Finally, the strategy and planning aspect of trying to get tickets caused a heap of mental exhaustion. The number of “how-to” articles and TikToks we all consumed this past week was off the charts.

Like many of you, I had two bites of the cherry. Both to no avail.

The pre-sale on Wednesday was definitely the more draining physically and mentally.

There was a sense of excitement tied to it. A feeling of novelty. We didn’t quite know how it all worked at that point, and the feeling of diving into the unknown built the anticipation even more.

I made sure to get in the queue (not a queue) 15 minutes before the sale began to give myself the best chance (the same chance) as folks logging in on the hour.

But, after routinely checking Ticketek Australia’s Twitter page, I threw in the towel nearly three hours in.

Physically, it took my body a few extra hours to properly wind down.

The desire to try and establish some semblance of control over a situation we had barely any control over must’ve been very confusing for our little brains.

Friday’s general sale was vastly different. Thank GOD.

I sat in the backyard, sent some emails, had 5 tabs open all on different browsers with a few incognito windows mixed in for good measure, made some lunch, chucked on some tunes, life was good (life was fine).

But still, nada.

Perhaps if we’d all been successful in obtaining Taylor Swift Eras Tour tickets we would’ve felt differently.

The adrenaline might’ve kicked in and we could’ve spiritually justified the collective ~seven hours~ spent in an online waiting room.

While the pre-sale was definitely more exhausting physically and mentally, Friday’s general sale was truly the emotionally exhausting one, since it was pretty much the last chance (except for re-sales) to snag tickets.

If you didn’t get seats, you’re not alone. The vast majority of people didn’t.

All eyes now turn to the Beyoncé Renaissance World Tour which currently doesn’t have dates pencilled in for Australia.

But, we remain hopeful. Just like we did with Taylor, once upon a time…
