Meat Loaf Calls AFL “Jerks”, “Butt Smellers”

After a performance that even Marcia Hines would deem “pitchy”, Meat Loaf has called the AFL “jerks” and “butt smellers” for a list of crimes which he says hurt his pre-match showing at this year’s AFL grand finals. These include insufficient time to sound check and not providing a piano or functioning time machine.

In an interview with the Sunday Herald Sun, Meat Loaf blasted his detractors, told them to hang themselves and questioned their hygiene: “They’re all like a herd of sheep. They all fall behind each other and smell each others’ butts. That’s what they do. And that’s how I consider them, butt smellers. They also can go hang themselves because they can line up out here on the street, right now, all 20, 000 of them or whoever wrote whatever they wrote, line up, say it to my face and take me on one at a time. And I guarantee you they wouldn’t do it because I’d take take all of them 20,000 out in an afternoon.” By “take out” he either means “refute” or “murder”, we’re not quite sure which.

The rocker finished his tirade by vowing to dissuade other performers from playing AFL events: “And I’ll tell you what, anybody that I hear announces that they’re going to play for them I’m going to write to that particular artist a letter and tell them not to…And I hope the AFL hears this and I want this everywhere. Because I will go out of my way to tell any artist do not play for them.”

The butt smelling jerks paid a reported $500,000 to secure Meat Loaf’s services. Somewhere, David Gallop has a boner.