This Thirsty Exchange Between Nicki Minaj & John Mayer Just Broke Twitter

Ahh, there’s just nothing quite like seeing two of your favourite celestial bodies suddenly come into each other’s orbit in new and thrilling ways.

I’m talking about celebrities chattin’ each other up on Twitter, y’all, and it is in the Top 5 Things That The Internet Has Given Humanity.

Today’s edition of vicarious tuning: John Mayer vs. Nicki Minaj.

It started with an idle tweet from the perpetually horny Mr Mayer, in all likelihood sent from the toilet:

He could not possibly know how thoroughly his life would change thanks to these 90 characters typed atop the porcelain throne.

Because lo, someone has been searching her own name:

Poor bloke. He didn’t stand a chance.

This is the shit the internet LIVES. FOR. People noticed. They noticed immediately.

Add a little bit of flirty backpedalling from the Minaj camp:

And you’ve got a Twitter explosion on your hands.

Of course, someone was quick to bring up Mayer’s history of, uh, iffy statements about his sexual preferences…

…and there’s always at least one sceptic in the bunch:

But on the whole, this is still quality internet for a Saturday evening. Bravo, Minaj and Mayer. We desperately hope you guys actually hook up.