The Queen Is Now On Instagram & We’re Waiting For The Skinny Tea Endorsement

Move over skinny tea endorsing, selfie-taking influencers, there’s a new babe on the ‘gram and she’s giving new meaning to the phrase ‘YAS QUEEN’, ya know why? Because she is The Queen.

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Her Majesty just shared her first ever Insta pic, a photo of a letter addressed to her great-great grandfather, Prince Albert via The Royal Family‘s official Instagram account.

“Today, as I visit the Science Museum I was interested to discover a letter from the Royal Archives, written in 1843 to my great-great-grandfather Prince Albert,” she captioned the post.

“Today, I had the pleasure of learning about children’s computer coding initiatives and it seems fitting to me that I publish this Instagram post, at the Science Museum which has long championed technology, innovation and inspired the next generation of inventors.”

She signed off as “Elizabeth R.”

The regal Insta account was created back in 2013 to share Royal Fam content but this is the first time that Queen Liz has personally posted something, making it a ‘yuge royal milestone.

She’s no stranger to Twitter, however, as in 2014 she fired off her first tweet during her last visit to the Science Museum.

Also, the Queen launched the first British Monarchy website in 1997 plus she sent her first e-mail in 1976, during an engagement at a military base.

We stan a tech savvy Queen, my friends.