Baby Reindeer’s Richard Gadd Was Asked About Fiona Harvey’s Claims & His Answer Is So Telling

Baby Reindeer Richard Gadd Martha Scott and Fiona Harvey

Richard Gadd has once again urged internet sleuths to stop searching for the real-life people who inspired Baby Reindeer. In a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter, he said he “doesn’t agree” with those who have taken it upon themselves to start a witch hunt. 

“If I wanted the real people to be found, I would’ve made it a documentary. I’ve spoken publicly about how I don’t want people to do it,” he said. 

“I want the show to be received as a piece of art… it exists in a sort of fictional realm, even though it’s based on truth… let’s enjoy the world that I’ve created.”

The show revolves around Gadd’s character Donny Dunn, who becomes the target of stalker Martha Scott (Jessica Gunning), after offering her a free cup of tea as an act of kindness. 

Jessica Gunning as Martha Scott in Baby Reindeer. (Image: Netflix)

When the interviewer asked if Gadd had been following Fiona Harvey’s claims on social media that she’s the real-life Martha, he dodged the question. 

“I can’t confirm or deny anything relating to the real-life people who the characters are based on in the show. I know for every single part, there’s been about five or six people who have been sort of named as each part, even all the way down to the pub manager,” he said. 

“There was a video the other day someone had sent me of someone claiming to be Teri. I’d never met them before in my life.”

This chat with Gadd took place before Harvey sat down with Piers Morgan for a wild tell-all interview. In the explosive chat, she accused Gadd of being “a liar”, “psychotic” and “outrageous”, saying she will be taking legal action against the creator and Netflix.

After what Gadd said in his interview with THR, it looks like we will never know what he thinks about Harvey’s claims. 

How has Richard Gadd’s life changed since Baby Reindeer?

Baby Reindeer has become one of Netflix’s biggest shows, and Gadd no longer has any ounce of anonymity. The comedian previously had 3000 followers on Instagram, but that figure has ballooned up to 547,000. 

“I have noticed the crazy part of it, the sudden public attention with people coming up to me and the sudden feeling that there’s more eyes on me all the time,” he admitted.

Jessica Gunning and Richard Gadd on the red carpet. (Image: Instagram @mrrichardgadd)

He thought the show had a chance of becoming a “cult success”, but never thought it would become such a global smash.

When Gadd flew over to Los Angeles, the pilots came out of the cockpit to meet him after hearing he was on the plane. 

“That was quite surreal. I still don’t think of myself as famous,” he said. 

Baby Reindeer has been quite a topic of conversation over the past few weeks, so it’s not going to get any easier for Gadd. All eyes (mine included) will be on him and his future projects. Fingers crossed he’s not a one-hit wonder!