Stop The Jokes, We Took “Tony Abbott” To Visit Malcolm Turnbull’s Offices

The more discerning internet user among you might have seen a plucky little web-series by the name of At Home With Tone cropping up during your regular trips down the YouTube rabbit hole.

The series embraces the grand old Australian tradition of taking the ever-loving piss out of public figures, skewering Prime Minister Tony Abbott with tongue planted firmly in cheek.
But what if we actually took “Tone” out to the streets? How far, for example, would we get if we took a camera crew and the dead spit of the PM into the offices of Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull in the Sydney seat of Wentworth?
Turns out, not very far at all. But comedy never happened to anyone who didn’t try.
Check out our exclusive trip onto the streets of Sydney with our benevolent “leader” below.

You can check out the rest of the At Home With Tone series via their YouTube channel.