There’s A Wild Feud Going Down On IG Involving A Coupla SAS Stars & *Checks Notes* Jamie Doran

Contributor: PEDESTRIAN.TV

2020 has been full of surprises, and the latest is the fact that SAS Australia is generating more spicy drama than The Bachelorette.

Yesterday we reported on the ‘yuge feud between Roxy Jacenko and Candice Warner, and now another big bust-up has erupted on Instagram, involving Shannan Ponton and Firass Dirani.

The former Biggest Loser coach reshared an article about his on-air biff with the actor and captioned it, “Poor little fella still can’t keep his mouth shut.”

Firass then commented, “I think that hypethermia is still in full effect. Go to the doctor before I whip you in another beasting. Remember when they us up… and I whipped you in every exercise? Legacy gone! GAWN! GAWWWWWWWNN. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA.” (I lost brain cells from typing that… the shit that I do for you guys).

After So Dramatic! shared the interaction on Instagram, an outspoken member from another reality franchise inserted himself into the drama. We are, of course, referring to Jamie Doran who commented, “These two are about as irrelevant as me these days. Calm down, boys.”

I mean, he’s not wrong.

A bit of background about the SAS Australia beef, for those who haven’t been tuning in at home and are low-key interested in WTF happened there. In a recent episode, Shannon told Firass to “shut the fuck up” after he complained about being called out into the freezing cold at 10.29pm.

This has sparked an ongoing feud between the two and Firass has become one of the most controversial contestants on the show, along with Roxy and Candice.

The PR boss recently gave a shady interview on KISS FM, telling the hosts that not only has SAS severed her friendship with Candice, but it’s also hindered their working relationship, revealing she “sacked” her after the show.

Then yesterday, Candice shared her side of the story live on-air while appearing on Nova 96.9’s Fitzy & Wippa.

“Let’s just say we know what we were getting ourselves into and there was an opportunity before the fight to pull out,” she said, revealing the behind-the-scenes tea about the SAS Australia fight.

“At that moment if we wanted to we could say no we don’t want to do this but we both chose to glove up, put the helmet on.”

Fitzy then pointed out, “She said I walked away because I didn’t want to be involved for entertainment and be hit in the face.”

Candice responded, “She tried to but she couldn’t land a punch. That’s the honest truth.”

“Is that what it was?” Fitzy replied. “Absolutely, ask anyone!” Roxy insisted, adding: “It wasn’t about, we were all friends. It wasn’t just Roxy and I, I did what I was instructed to do.”

She also claimed that she did apologise to the PR queen, but said apology never made it to air on SAS Australia.

“I was shocked by her comments and I’m really sorry that she feels that way,” she said.

SAS? More like SOS.