There’s An Actual Movie About A Psychopathic Karen Being Made, Which Sounds About White


Well, the Karen to end all Karen’s is finally here and her name is Karen White (of course).

An actual movie actually named Karen is actually being made and it’s about an actual Karen actually named Karen. In even better news, it’s reportedly a suspense thriller.

Starring Taryn Manning from Orange Is The New Black playing Karen herself, the film’s storyline will centre around a woman who terrorises her black neighbours to move out of town. Hmm, sounds about white.

First reported by TMZ, the new feature film is the brain child of writer and director Coke Daniels. In the report, Daniels said the aim of the project is to shed light on ongoing race relations in the country.

According to the literal dictionary, a Karen is a “pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people’s behaviours.”

You might remember Karen from such viral videos as: Karen from Brighton, Bunnings Karen and most recently Skate Park Karen.

So which Karen did Daniels take influence from for the film? Well, all of them apparently.

The Karen depicted in the film is an amalgamation of all Karen’s we love to hate on the internet. She believes that people should stick to her own kind and hates her neighbours who are staunch Black Lives Matter supporters, according to TMZ. An opinion that also unfortunately exists out the fictional realm.

I really hope that Karen’s everywhere will listen to the message of this film and change their behaviour. But, something tells me they might ask to speak to the Manager instead.