‘Love Island’ Unit Eoghan Was Really Shocked Anyone Was Keen On Him & LOL, OK


Absolute unit Eoghan left the villa in last night’s dramatic episode of Love Island, bringing to an end the series’ most riveting love story to date – I’m talking about Eoghan and Matt.

Eoghan spoke to PEDESTRIAN.TV about his time in the villa including his wholesome love for Matt, who he thinks is gonna win, and [checks notes] how he thought he wasn’t going to get any of da gals. Ha.

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PTV: Did you expect to make such strong friendships? 

E: No! Not one bit. [laughs] I went in there and thought, ‘I’ve got enough friends, I’m not interested – I need to find a girl’, and then I ended up making two best mates for life so you know, I’ve not left empty handed, put it that way.

PTV: So, to last night’s drama, why did you decide to leave? 

E: Well, I was standing next to Matt and I – I just feel like his big brother, man. You know what I mean? I had a good crack in there. I got to form connections with a lot of people and I just felt like he had a hard run and I wasn’t letting him go home. So I put my hand up.


PTV: And, how’s your friendship with Matt?

E: [laughs] I mean, you all saw it. I love the guy to death! I can’t believe what happened to me last week when I thought he was going. I just lost it. I haven’t cried that much in a year. It just all came pouring out. As I said, I feel like his big brother. [laughs] When I first walked in, I thought me and this guy’s going to have a fight [laughs] because obviously we’re both big guys. But turns out he’s my best mate.

PTV: When did you guys realise you had such a strong connection?

E: It was probably, to be honest, when we were sitting there in Truth and Dare and I was watching how everybody was acting and I was instantly drawn to Matt and Adam. And the reason why is because they are completely, one hundred per cent genuine. What you see is what you get. They’re not hiding from anything, they just tell it how it is. And I didn’t get that feeling from anybody else.

PTV: So, who do you think is playing the game?

E: Um, I don’t know. Obviously you have question marks over everyone because you’ve become a sceptic in there. There’s nothing else to do. I’d have questions marks over the new – Jordan, I know she’s genuine 100 per cent, but anyone new coming in, I just have question marks.

PTV: Who do you think is actually in it for love?

E: I know 100 percent – with 100 per cent certainty – that Adam and Cartier are in it for love. I know Matty’s in it for love, he wears his heart on his sleeve, and Adam’s in it for love as well. And to be fair, Josh has impressed me too. Obviously we had question marks with the twins coming in but the way he’s acted and conducted himself with Anna impressed a lot of people.

PTV: Do you doubt any of the current couples?

E: I don’t doubt any of the current couples but obviously, Luke and Cassie – they’re not as strong as everybody else so it’ll be interesting to see how that plays out. ‘Cos they’re both big personalities and they do clash sometimes so it’ll be interesting.

PTV: Which current couples do you think will last?

E: Adam and Carti, 100 per cent. Carti is a very, very loyal girl – she gives it her all. She wants the man and she doesn’t want to play around as such. Adam is 100 per cent genuine, a gentleman through and through. And I know he has feelings for her so if they can make the distance thing work, however they manage that on the outside, I know they have a chance of making it last.

PTV: Do you think they’re gonna win?

E: Yeah, my money’s on them. [laughs]

PTV: What was it like leaving the show and saying goodbye to everyone?

E: Oh look, it was bittersweet. I feel content with my time in there. I followed by heart and I didn’t quite get there, but hopefully if Jordan comes off there might be something there. It was just sad leaving everyone ‘cos we were with each other for so long. Obviously, I’ll see Adam as soon as he gets out but I’m hoping to get Matty up to the Coast very soon and vice versa. Hopefully I get to catch up with everyone but you know, I miss my Matt!

PTV:  What would you say is the number one thing you’ve learnt about yourself from this experience?

E: That girls are actually attracted to me. [laughs] Believe it or not! Like people think I’m fishing for compliments but I promise you before the show, I was freaking out thinking I’m going to have a tough time trying to get one girl to show interest in me. And you saw how it all played out, I had no idea that was going to happen. [laughs]