Isla Fisher And Amy Poehler Penned Comedy “Close To Being Ready”

At once shedding the stigma that comes with being a former Home and Away cast member, stepping outside the shadow cast by husband Sacha Baron Cohen and establishing herself as an industry double threat, Isla Fisher has penned her own feature length comedy with Parks and Recreation star and SNL alum Amy Poehler. Funny ladies with funny husbands, the double dates must be outrageous. Dubbed “Groupies” the project was spurred by what Fisher called the “lack of comedic female material” outside of shopaholics and stage five clingers. We can understand her frustration.

When asked about the script Fisher replied: “Oh you mean ‘Groupies’? After ‘Wedding Crashers’ I was just surprised as to the lack of comedic female material there is. So I had to start working and getting stuff out there for myself…’Groupies’ is pretty close to being ready and I’ve got another movie called ‘Life Coach’ which I’ve been working on. Hopefully one of them will go soon. It’s more frustrating being in development than it is just to be cast in something. It’s a lot of things involved.”

The 35 year old actress is no stranger to writing having penned two teen novels – Bewitched and Seduced by Fame – when she was just 18. Thankfully, Fisher has no plans to return to the medium renewing her focus on producing and writing films: “I’m not writing trashy chick lit anymore.” she said. “I wrote ‘Groupies’ with Amy Poehler and since then, I developed another project. So, I’m still being creative and moving more into production, and making sure I have a little bit more power and control over my career.”


Title Image- Still of Isla Fisher in “Wedding Crashers”