Your Horos Are Here: This Week, My Gemini Pals Will Learn The Magic Of Giving Zero Fucks

The basic theme of this week is ~change~, all thanks to the lunar eclipse on November 19. Read on to suss your horoscope for the week ahead…


This week you’re going to have some major realisations about your financial sitch, as the lunar eclipse on November 19 highlights your money zone. It’s time to come up with fresh ways to make and / or save them dollarydoos, especially coming into the end of the year (a.k.a. party szn!).


There’s a lunar eclipse in your sign this week, my Taurean friend! What the bloody hell does that mean? Well, lunar eclipses have the power to usher in new beginnings and fresh changes, and since it’s beaming into your sign, it’s even more potent and powerful for you. Harness this energy to make decisions this week that’ll steer your life in the direction you want.


This week you will learn the magic of letting go and moving on, as the lunar eclipse beams into your 12th house of closure. Pat yourself on the back for trying your darnedest to make things work, but everything has an ending and it looks like this might just be it! Move on bb, you got this!


There are some major changes coming in your social zone, maybe a friend is moving or your relationship with a certain someone is taking a different turn. This is all due to the lunar eclipse in your 11th house of mates. The good news is that on the other side of this change is the chance to link up with new pals!


This week you’ll start to ponder your career sitch and wonder if your current gig is really what ya wanna be doing. Don’t reject these feelings of complacency – explore them! The lunar eclipse beaming into your 10th house of career will help you realise that your goals are no longer where they once were and so it’s time to search for something new.


Get ready for the unexpected as the lunar eclipse shines into your ninth house of adjustments, and since lunar eclipses entail change anyhow, this is especially potent and indicative of a major incoming shift. The key advice here is to look beyond your usual avenues in search of a new one.


Do you ever have a random thought pop into your head and you’re like, ‘Da fuck? Where did that come from!?’ Actually wait, look who I’m talking to! Librans are always having rando thoughts out of nowhere, and this week, as the lunar eclipse hits your ninth house of change, get ready for lots of them. Your fresh perspective on a certain something will surprise you, but change is always good!


Expect some relationship drama over the next week as the lunar eclipse heats up your seventh house of partnerships, summoning tension with your nearest and dearest. Eclipses show peoples’ true colours, whether they like it or not, which can be painful, but honestly, it’s a huge fucking blessing to see people as they really are.


Pay extra attention to your physical needs around November 19! As a lunar eclipse casts a shadow over your sixth house of wellbeing, it may bring your attention to the ways in which your habits haven’t been setting you up for success. Remember, your health is never something you should sacrifice for the sake of your work.


Tap into your creativity this week, as the lunar eclipse lights up your fifth house of creativity. All the changes happening around you will have you feeling inventive and keen to flex your creative muscles. Basically it’s a time to do something you literally never do: throw practicality out the window and just follow your passions.


Be sure to practice self-love and self-care this week as the lunar eclipse shines into your fourth house of home and family, bringing forth major changes in your personal life. As shit hits the fan, remember to breathe and take care of yourself first and foremost.


This week’s lunar eclipse on November 19 shines into your third house of communication, so be prepared for important conversations where both listening and speaking your mind will be necessary. Because Scorpio Season’s energy is all about spilling tea, expect some spicy revelations to unfold.

Matty Galea is the Senior Entertainment Editor at Pedestrian who also dabbles in woo-woo stuff like astrology and crystals and has been penning horoscopes since the start of his career. He also Tweets about pop culture and astrology and posts spicy content on Instagram.