Gay marriage proposal goes viral on Facebook

Warm, fuzzy feels for you all this Tuesday afternoon!

It’s possible that this glorious thing has already found itself in your Facebook feed (on account of the 3,480 likes and 4,506 shares it had accrued at the time of writing) but in case it hasn’t, let us direct you to heartwarming footage of a public marriage proposal between two men. Complete with a singing, dancing (albeit the quality reminiscent of a school assembly), flash mob and a flurry of teary onlookers (both IRL and digitally, after the fact) this is the stuff virality is made of.

The video is captioned with “On Saturday, May 11, 2013 Carl Marucci asked Drew Marsenison to marry him. The proposal took place at the “Angel of the Waters Fountain” at Bethesda Terrace, Central Park, New York City. Thank God he said ‘yes.’” It is posted by the man himself, Carl The Cutie. Observe: