This Dude’s Boat Proposal Could Have Gone a Lot Better

Look, we get it, the internet is part of the fabric of our lives, and if footage of your quirky, charming marriage proposal does not go viral, then is there any proof that it ever happened in the first place? Right about now, the unfortunate dude in this video is probably wishing he hadn’t tried to pop the question in such an elaborate manner.

The sun was shining, and it was all going beautifully … until his bride-to-be slapped his hand in surprise (which is a thing, apparently?) and sent the ring flying. The poor guy is named Shane, and although the water around the paddle boat seems to be pretty shallow, the video cuts out before he can locate the ring. The Huffington Post contacted him to find out, but their calls have so far gone unanswered.
Don’t paddle and propose.