Chris Evans Has Spoken For The First Time Since Leaking His Own Nudes & We Love Him Even More

Chris Evans Has Spoken For The First Time Since Leaking His Own Nudes

Wonderful man Chris Evans has broken his social media silence after he did a whoopsie daisy and accidentally leaked his own nudes. Happens to the best of us.

On Saturday, Evans posted a wholesome video of himself playing a game of Heads Up with his family.

The video was part of a screen recording of Evans’ phone and before it cut out, it showed the actor’s photo gallery. Followers soon noticed the nude, aggressively tweeted Evans about it, and then watched as it was hastily deleted from his feed.

The whole thing was very unfortunate, with even fellow Avenger Mark Ruffalo tweeting: “Bro, while Trump is in office there is NOTHING you could possibly do to embarrass yourself. See… silver lining.”

Oh, sweet Ruffalo.

Not to mention, Captain America’s actual brother Scott Evans‘ marvellous tweet.

Taking to Twitter, Chris Evans used the renewed interest around himself to encourage people to vote.

“Now that I have your attention… VOTE Nov 3rd!!!” he tweeted.

All in a day’s work for Captain America.

Evans, who has repeatedly urged the American people to dump Trump, recently co-launched the video-based civic engagement platform, A Starting Point (ASP).

ASP is pretty much a channel of communication and connectivity between Americans and their elected officials. It’s all about creating a more informed electorate.

“It’s not that I’m specifically drawn to politics,” Evans told People upon the site’s launch. “It’s just when you look around, you try to figure out how can you help.”

ASP is divided into three sections: Starting Points, a glossary; Daily Points, which gives politicians a minute to talk about any subject they want to address; and Counterpoints, which allows two elected officials to discuss a topic they don’t agree on.

“There’s a lot of things you can do as an actor with your name,” Evans said. “I could be making booze – and I don’t discourage anyone from doing that, I love booze – but there’s no denying that I played a certain character, and it just so happens to align with part of my nature in terms of being someone who is politically involved and who cares about the wellbeing of people in this country.”

Americans will (or not) take to the polls on Election Day come Tuesday, November 3.

To conclude: here is a picture of Evans and Dodger.