‘Bachie’ Fans Are Nowhere Near As Conflicted About Angie’s Choice As Angie Was

Angie dumping Ryan.
Contributor: PEDESTRIAN.TV

Like the shadows dancing on the wall in Plato’s Cave, what we see in The Bachelorette are only part of what truly goes on. Between the judicious editing undertaken by the producers for narrative and the fact that there is only so much time in each episode, there is more happening than we will ever truly know. Maybe, in all those unseen moments, there’s a different Ryan, and a different chemistry between Ryan and Angie that might go some way to explaining how upset she was to see him go. Maybe.

AngBut from where we’re sitting, it sure looks like it should have been a much easier decision than Angie made it out to be. After tossing a rose to Carlin and Timm, Angie’s entire world seemed to fall apart at the prospect of giving Ryan the boot — which made a lot of people scratch their heads.




Others are pointing at the lack of a preview of the next episode as a sign that he’s making a shock comeback. Let’s all agree to pretend to be shocked if that happens.