Do These Sneaky Clues Prove Which Big Bachie Names Have Signed On For The Next Season Of BIP?

This year’s The Bachelor is currently in full swing, and The Bachelorette, starring sisters Elly and Becky Miles, is still to come, but folks are already on the lookout for spoilers about the 2021 season of Bachelor In Paradise (let’s not lie to one another, that’s the spiciest one of all).

Because there’s no rest for the wicked, the series is expected to press on with season four, and casting has already begun.

The Wash reported that while it’s unclear when the show will begin filming, producers are confident that they’ll find a way to make it happen.

The publication adds that “key alumni (a.k.a. the bigger names)” from previous seasons have been “approached” for the next season, and if it goes ahead, they can pack their bags for *checks notes* Noosa.

Everyone’s fave spice-hunter podcast, So Dramatic!, spotted some sneaky clues on social media that might tell us which ex-Bachie stars have signed on for the next season of BIP.

The podcast’s Insta shared a screenshot of a Facebook post from Chelsea McLeod, who won last year’s The Bachelor but called it quits with Matt Agnew earlier this year, where she asked her FB friends if anyone was interested in “leasing a fully furnished apartment in Elwood for three months?”

Interestingly, the dates she listed (“October ’til December”) is reportedly when Bachelor In Paradise is set to begin filming.

Look, it could just be a coincidence, but then again, I don’t believe in coincidences.

Chelsea’s comment then prompted BIP alum Alex Nation to comment, “Sign me up if so.”

As The Wash reported, “key alumni (a.k.a. the bigger names)” from previous seasons have been “approached,” and since Keira Maguire has been back several times, I wouldn’t be surprised if Alex makes a big return too.

As long as BIP producers don’t recycle the Richie Strahan storyline. We want fresh tea, pls.