Heidi Klum Nude For Guitar Hero

Kim, the newest addition to the Pedestrian office, was telling me yesterday how she wishes she was doing something good for the world and how it annoys her to see “modern day geniuses” like graphic dudes; Jonathan Zawada and her pal Shane Sakeus “wasting” their brain power on Adobe products and font sites. When, according to her, they should be off dreaming up tumour deterring tazers or something on par. I agreed with her and then went on to spit about how my homegirl Rach is off in India living tough de-sexing street dogs and how that must be the most amazing feeling…

Kind of get the vibe that someone at Guitar Hero was feeling the same way as Kim. Rather then pass up their 6 figure head-of-marketing salary to go purify water in Kenya they decided to metal the bigger nail. They decided to help the world (or at least half of it.) Let’s say 47% of males are straight and 3% of females are not, cool? Big maths but essentially that Activision boardroom table located in a secret lab near the Earth’s core just set out to brighten the day/life/year/minute of half the world’s population by fleshing out the mool to get Heidi Klum dancing around in her underwear for Guitar Hero World Tour.

Nice guys…