Spider-Man Producer Confirms Another Three (3) Tom Holland Films & My Web Is Sticky Already

My fellow sticky-web women and honeybees in heat, I come bearing the greatest news you’ll come across this week. My husband and yours, Tom Holland, has been renewed for the role of Spider-Man in another upcoming trilogy. My spinnerets are leaking.

I know what you’re probably thinking: ‘Does this mean we’ll get another random shot of Tom Holland shirtless in boxers while someone walks into the room and catches him off-guard?’ And to this, my answer is: would it be a Spider-Man film without such an iconic moment?

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, here are three separate scenes from Marvel movies of said occurrence. I ab-solutely did not have these pics ready to go and saved on my computer.

tom holland shirtless
Waiting to add three more of these to my collection, I mean, work folder.

Spider-Man producer and former head of Sony Pictures Amy Pascal confirmed the good news in an interview with Fandango, where she dropped the bombshell that not only will Sony be continuing its partnership with Marvel, but they’re gonna be dropping a full-on Spidey trilogy with Tom Holland at the helm.

Fkn yuge, especially when Holland’s contract was assumedly at its end.

“This is not the last movie that we are going to make with Marvel — [this is not] the last Spider-Man movie,” she said.

“We are getting ready to make the next Spider-Man movie with Tom Holland and Marvel. We’re thinking of this as three films, and now we’re going to go on to the next three. This is not the last of our MCU movies… Yes, Marvel and Sony are going to keep going together as partners.”

This announcement comes at a rather interesting time, as just a few weeks ago Holland was ruminating in a GQ interview about possibly giving up the ghost and wrapping up his time as Spider-Man.

“Maybe it is time for me to move on,” he said.

“Maybe what’s best for Spider-Man is that they do a Miles Morales film. I have to take Peter Parker into account as well because he is an important part of my life. If I’m playing Spider-Man after I’m 30, I’ve done something wrong.”

Holland is currently 25, so he better get swinging if he wants to pump out another trilogy before 30.

Also plenty of time for things between him and Zendaya to fizzle out, allowing me to finally reveal that I’m Holland’s new GF. Just sayin’.