Watch This CNN Reporter Freak TF Out When A Cicada Lands On His Neck During A Live Cross

Manu Raju

CNN political reporter Manu Raju nearly had a heart attack when a big ass cicada landed on his neck during a live cross. YUCK.

While Manu Raju was preparing to go to air, the cicada started crawling up his coat and then toward the back of his neck. It’s at that moment he freaked out, and realised what the pesky critter was up to.

“Ohhohhhoh… oh my god!” Raju said.

“*%&$* &%$* cicada

“What the hell? Do I have more on me?

“Holy S*#% are they in my hair?

“Where the f*#% are the cicadas coming from?”

I would have immediately walked off and called it a day TBH.

To be honest, I don’t usually see many cicadas down here in Melb. I can always hear them in summer, but never manage to catch one. So it’s weird that so many seem to be appearing over at our northern neighbours.

Well, there’s a reason they seem to be popping up like crazy over in the US and that’s because trillions of Brood X cicadas are about to emerge after 17 years underground, according to scientists.

“You’ve got a creature that spends 17 years in a COVID-like existence, isolated underground sucking on plant sap, right?”cicada expert Michael Raupp told the Associated Press.
“In the 17th year these teenagers are going to come out of the earth by the billions if not trillions.
“They’re going to try to best everything on the planet that wants to eat them during this critical period of the nighttime when they’re just trying to grow up, they’re just trying to be adults, shed that skin, get their wings, go up into the treetops, escape their predators.”
Well I for one, welcome our new insect overlords.
insect overlords