Purple Wiggle Lachy Gillespie & His Ballet Dancer Boo Dana Stephensen Are Getting Married

Lachy Gillespie

In news to pull you out of your long weekend coma, Purple Wiggle Lachy Gillespie is engaged to ballet dancer Dana Stephensen.

Lachy shared the beaut news on Instagram yesterday.

“On Thursday night, Dana asked me to marry her at home under a fairy light sky and a very excited little boy in a beautiful boy tie,” he wrote. AWWW.

Dana, who is a senior artist for The Australian Ballet, met Lachy through The Wiggles a little while back when they linked up for a collaboration. The pair announced their relationship to the public last October. Lachy was previously married to Emma Watkins, otherwise known as the Yellow Wiggle, and separated in 2018. Emma recently revealed that she’s dating musician / Wiggles band member Oliver Brian. As an aside, I didn’t know much about The Wiggles’ personal history prior to writing this yarn so I had a big “oh, oh, OH” moment.


As Dana shared on Instagram on Monday, Lachy had already proposed to her in the summer, but wanted to do a proposal of her own with her son Jasper.

“At the end of our summer holidays, I walked into the most beautiful surprise – a room filled with the most incredible flowers and Lachy singing at his piano and then asking me to marry him. It was such a surprise and so special. Our faces say it all.

“It was something very meaningful for us to both have the opportunity to propose to one another, each in our own way.

“Last week, with the most beautiful (and excited!) little boy by my side in a special bow tie, it was our time to ask Lachy our special question – and it was so, so wonderful.”

Christ, that’s wholesome. Sending a big ol’ congratulations to the beautiful family.