Not Everyone’s Laughing W/ Ellen DeGeneres Over This Usain Bolt Gag

Comedy and controversy often go hand-in-hand, but suit-wearing kween Ellen DeGeneres isn’t exactly known for her envelope-pushing sense of humour – until now.

The 58-year-old finds herself at the centre of a race debate after she gave the now-famous photo of a grinning Usain Bolt sprinting towards glory in the 100m Olympics final the Photoshop treatment to show herself hitching a ride on his back and posted the pic to Twitter with the caption, “This is how I’m running errands from now on”.

The gag prompted immediate backlash from people who said it was a depressing example of white privilege and ignorance, and the height of racism to show a white woman being piggybacked by a black man to run errands.

But just as firmly in Ellen’s corner are those who reckon the PC brigade should lighten up, arguing that Bolt himself retweeted the photo and why would he do that if it was so offensive? (He did, indeed, give it a retweet).

Look, it was a misguided attempt at a funny that couldn’t been left unsaid – but you gotta give Ellen the benefit of the doubt on this one, if only because she’s far from a repeat offender.

She didn’t take a big enough step back to consider how the joke could possibly be misconstrued but that ain’t what she’s all about.

Photo: Twitter / @TheEllenShow.