Lamb Ad Cleared Of Racism Towards White People, Like That’s Even A Thing

This is a laugh and a half, and it might even end up being two entire laughs by the time a few angry dumbasses have crawled into our FB comments.

Remember that super diverse lamb ad? Somehow in the course of making an ad about buying more meat, Meat & Livestock Australia managed to make an ad with a far more representative cast of people than have ever been on Australian television, and somehow even managed to make it funny:
While to some, seeing people from every walk of life in a minute and a half of television (in direct contrast to how pretty much every other 23 hours 58 minutes and 30 seconds of the day that is filled with the whitest of white people) might be a bit of pleasant relief, to others it apparently indicated the end of civilisation as we know it.
As one claimant writes:
“I’m anti-racist no matter what race is being vilified, including white people. This advertisement clearly states ‘too many WHITE people’ in its commercial, which is highly offensive.”
Ah yes, of course, it is deeply offensive to point out that the faces on Australian TV are predominately white. Imagine how upset this poor, poor person must be, being reminded that they are safely nestled in the most represented demographic in not just Aussie TV and but also most Aussie positions of political power in.
MLA responded to the complains by saying, in few more words, “no”:
“The tongue-in-cheek comment by no means treats white males unfavourably or seeks to ridicule such members of society. We submit that the reasonable viewer would not perceive this statement or the Advertisements as a whole to be racist or sexist. The Advertisements promote acceptance and tolerance – not bigotry or the incitement of hatred towards white Australian males.”

And the Advertising Standards Board bloody agreed with them, concurring that the ad was “tongue-in-cheek” and that “the humour is employed equally across all the races/ethnicities portrayed in the advertisement“:

“The Board considered that the advertisement did not portray or depict material in a way which discriminates against or vilifies a person or section of the community on account of race.”

Fucking duh.

Source: Mumbrella.
Photo: We Love Our Lamb