Classic Dad Scares Friends & Fam By Photoshopping Kid Into Dodgy Situations

The most important element of fatherhood in 2017 is using Photoshop to make it look like you’re actually a shitty father so you can score incredible amounts of Reddit karma. It is, in my opinion, a beautiful thing.

Reddit user Steec has currently racked up a staggering 110K upvotes and has been gilded 5 times for his extremely wonderful project – in which he has been photoshopping his child into mildly precarious situations so friends and family think he is a dangerously negligent father.
Not incredibly precarious situations, by the way. He’s not Photoshopping his kid so it looks like she’s tumbling down a sheer cliff face. No – he’s put the baby in slightly off situations: sitting on a railing, or standing a few inches from the edge of a steep drop into water.
Check them out:
Wonderful, wonderful content.
Source: Imgur.
Photo: Imgur.