9 Times Our Precious Thongs Have Failed Us When We Needed Them Most

Thongs, not to be confused for G bangers, are an Aussie staple. But when they break after years of being a firm piece of rubber for our toes to cry on, it can feel like the world has come to a standstill – like you lost your job, received a rental eviction notice and had your partner cheat on you all at the same damn time.

It’s heartbreaking, but we don’t need to tell you that. You know the feeling of either forgetting, losing of breaking your precious thongs, which we reckon is encapsulated in these on-point situations / gifs below.

When you figured you didn’t need thongs for the beach but the sand is legitimate lava.

When your thong cooks itself on a first date and you stack it, and you accept you won’t be seeing them again.

When your thong plug pops out so dramatically that you’d be pissed off if you weren’t so damn impressed.

When your thong breaks in the festival showers and you have to haul-ass back to your tent, all while praying you don’t cop tinnea.

When your forget your backup thongs on a night out and have to limp-daddy yourself home.

When your thongs break and someone offers you a pair that aren’t Havaianas.

When your thongs break within the first hour of an outing.

When your due for some new thongs but you can’t part ways with the pair that’s been through so much with you.

When you can’t find your thongs but they are what protect you from the frozen wrath of the kitchen and bathroom tiles.

THE PAIN IS SO, SO REAL. This is why we feel it is our duty to impart the below broken-thong hack to you:

If you’re looking for another way to get through the warmer months, savour a cold frothie at the end of the day with the man who began it all – John Boston, Australia’s First Brewer since 1796.

Live your best summer life, fam.