A Bride-To-Be Has Been Labelled A ‘Red Flag’ For Her Surprising Behaviour In Her Proposal Vid

A future bride has been dubbed a “red flag” for a cheeky little mid-proposal act that was caught on camera.

I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve always wondered what my genuine reaction would be if I were ~finally~ proposed to. Well, one TikToker who chose to share her very special moment with her soon-to-be husband on the social media platform has left the internet divided.

Future bride and TikToker Courtney Ward (@court_the_croissant) has turned heads after she shared her proposal video, which has completely gone gangbusters on the social media site.

You see, in the video, Ward grabbed the ring before her fiancé had finished his meaningful speech that usually comes with the pop of the question.

“In my defence, it was so beautiful I had to put it on right then and there,” Ward wrote in the caption of the video, which now has more than 1.9 million views.

“Did you even listen to him? Jesus Christ,” one TikToker wrote.

“Aww, so you care more about the ring than him expressing his feelings for you? That’s so cute,” a second person added.

“I’m not judging you, but I personally would be a little upset if this happened to me while proposing. Not that I would have any long speech,” wrote a third.

Surprisingly, a lot of other folks admitted to doing the exact same thing. Some people also defended the bride-to-be’s actions, claiming it was a sign of excitement and a definite yes.

(Image source: TikTok / @court_the_croissant)
(Image source: TikTok / @court_the_croissant)
(Image source: TikTok / @court_the_croissant)

Honestly, this video gives me mixed emotions ‘cos I’m definitely a human who gives a lot of people the benefit of the doubt.

I believe she meant no harm in taking the ring early, however, I can see how it could get under the husband-to-be’s skin. Especially if he put a lot of time into compiling the perfect proposal speech.

Also, the comments lowkey reek of misogyny, with some people suggesting that it’s the man’s job to put the ring on. Yuck.

Let Courtney ~ the croissant ~ live.

Image source: TikTok / @court_the_croissant