Happy Thursday, A Group Of Furries Are Dogfighting With The NZ Taxpayers’ Union Online

furry nz taxpayers union

Good morning and happy Thursday. What’s happening in the world today? What’s crack-a-lackin’? What news do I have to bring to you lovely people? Well, a group of furries are embroiled in an internet war against the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union. Don’t spit out your coffee just yet, the story’s just begun.

Yep, you read that correctly, no need to visit Specsavers. The furries are dogpiling (wolfpiling?) on a bunch of right-wing tax bros from across the pond. I love internet chaos, you love internet chaos, so let’s get into it.

At the very start of this furry tale, The Spinoff TV wrote an article called ‘Who Runs the Internet? Furries’Spinoff is a left-leaning online news site, so think of them as kinda like the NZ version of Pedestrian.TV, but they cop support from the NZ government and the Public Interest Journalism fund.

How much money do they get? It’s hard to say, but the NZ Taxpayers’ Union claims the publication received $6.1 Million last year. Spoilers: the Taxpayers’ Union are a bunch of haters, but we’ll hear more from them later.

And hey, now is later. Right-wing lobby group NZ Taxpayers’ Union came across the article from Spinoff, and had a bit of a tizz about it, calling it “unbelievable” that taxpayers would fund furry content.

Naturally, this summoned the furries of the internet to come and defend themselves. There are three groups you should never anger online, and that’s BTS stans, the Beyhive and furries. If you ever meet someone who is all three, literally just run.

Behold some hilarious interactions that occurred online thanks to the furries of New Zealand:

This next text thread is truly inspired.



Some folks even decided to post pictures of them in furry gear to make a point. I have no idea how that adds to the argument, but go off friends.

The NZ Taxpayers’ Union went as far as to even make an entire picture about their disdain for The Spinoff’s article, with a green sick emoji included and everything.

But in doing so, weren’t they just staring at this picture of furries while adding pink text over it? Much to think about here.


Turns out the photo they used wasn’t even from an NZ furry group. It’s an image from a pride parade in Toronto, very much on the other side of the world. The comedy simply does not end.


The main gripe that the NZ furries had here was that they too are taxpayers, and the journalism provided by The Spinoff was insightful, well-written and respectful of their culture. So why on Earth is NZ Taxpayers’ Union causing a stink? Nothing better to do?

My favourite part of this whole drama is the follow-up tweet made by NZ Taxpayers’ Union, in which they write that their tweet has “sparked a defensive response from a rabid pack of furries.”

Rabid. Someone put this whole interaction in the Louvre. It’s so online, and so, so beautiful.

Jokes on them though, they really did get ratio’d by some furries. Sucks to suck.


Alright fleshies (that’s apparently what furries call non-furries), go out there and enjoy your day full of all this information about this hyper-niche internet drama. I know I will.