These Influencers Are Known COVID-Deniers, Anti-Vaxxers & / Or Attended The Protests, Just FYI

Contributor: PEDESTRIAN.TV

Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve seen several influencers out themselves as a COVID denier, an anti-vaxxer, and most recently as an attendee at the anti-lockdown protestors, from Isabel Lucas to Sally Mustang.

Here’s a list of influencers who have revealed they’re part of the aforementioned group, based on their Instagram posts and / or their attendance at the protests over the weekend.

Note: This is just a few of many influencers who have outed themselves. I’m certain that I’ve missed many but there’s only so many hours in the day. I’ll let you make up your own minds as to whether you support people who, in my opinion, don’t support us as they’re feeding their followers unsafe advice that’s putting everyone at risk.

Sally Mustang and Mitch Gobel

Influencer couple Sally Mustang and Mitch Gobel have attended anti-vaxxer rallies in their native Byron together, as documented on Instagram, although it flew relatively under the radar.

But over the weekend, Sally lost over a thousand followers after sharing a post that coincided with the anti-lockdown protests.

The post includes a photo of her face draped in white, along with a lengthy caption where she encouraged her followers to push back on the COVID safety laws.

She also opined that “science is a THEORY, just like magic,” which drew mass criticism from her followers. The post still exists on her page and the comments section mostly consists of followers vowing to unfollow her and it looks like they’ve stuck to their word because her follower count has dropped like crazy.

Isabel Lucas

Actress-turned-wellness influencer Isabel Lucas has been vocal in her fight against both 5G and vaccines for a while now.

She was even a guest speaker at a 5G protest last year, which resulted in mass backlash from her fans.

Will Connolly

Remember Will Connolly a.k.a. Egg Boy?

We regret to inform you that he has fallen down the COVID conspiracy theory rabbit hole.

He’s sharing debunked theories about COVID testing to his 326,000 Instagram followers, falsely claiming they don’t work and might actually be picking up the flu instead.

And he also shared this to his Instagram Story, mocking the use of face masks at the Olympics:


When asked about her thoughts on the vaccine, local singer Amarni shared the following pic of Kevin Hart, along with the song ‘Hell To Da Naw.’

She later shared another post by an influencer encouraging folks to avoid the vaccine after she allegedly had a reaction to it, adding: “Fuck that.”

And over the weekend, she defended the horse-puncher, which is fucking reprehensible:

Hayley Vernon, Amanda Micallef and Ivan Sarakula

All three MAFS stars have been pedalling COVID conspiracy theories for yonks and do not deserve your support.

Anna-Rose Richards

Podcast host Anna-Rose Richards told her followers in an IGTV that the numbers and stats are made up, and encouraged Aussies to start “a revolution.”

“When the numbers don’t add up, when the facts don’t lie, when the statistics are staring you in the face,” she said. “It’s time to say enough is enough. There are times to be complicit & follow the rules, & there are times to use judgement, vision & truth to guide you to know what is actually right & take decisive action. That time is now.”

Bill Goldsmith

Anti-vaxxer influencer, Bill Goldsmith

The Bachelor star Bill Goldsmith has been involved in 5G conspiracy theories and COVID denying since the start of the pandemic, and over the weekend, he supported the anti-lockdown protests on Instagram.

Have a peek at these comments, will ya?

Leila Stead

Mum-blogger Leila Stead (who boasts 36.3k followers) was also present at the anti-lockdown protests and shared posts and IG Stories where she can be seen holding signs.

“We marched through the streets with one thing in mind ‘freedom’ as the government ramps up, so will we, as they lock down,” she wrote on Insta.

“We will fight, as they say ‘don’t talk to your neighbour’ we will scream from the rooftops that we will not comply. We are one, we will win.”

Frank and Taylor Winerstein

WAG Taylor Winterstein shared videos to her Instagram Story of detectives knocking at her home to serve her and her NRL star husband Frank Winterstein two $1000 fines for attending the COVID protest.

In the video, the known anti-vaxxer demanded the two plain clothes officers show “evidence” they were police.

The couple were photographed in the Sydney CBD over the weekend, protesting the lockdowns.

She posted several lengthy videos on Instagram of them at the demonstration, in which she can be heard telling her husband not to go “near any media cameras”.

Marcia Leone

Mum blogger Marcia Leone, who runs an IG page with 266k followers, wrote a book, and founded a brand (all called NOT SO MUMSY), left a comment on Instagram, questioning COVID and the vaccine:

Chloe Szep

Influencer Chloe Szep, whose partner is Mitch Orval, has been a known anti-vaxxer for some time and over the weekend, she used astrology to herald the anti-lockdown protests:

She also follows anti-vaxxer pages on Instagram.

Erin James

In a series of Instagram Stories over the weekend, model and influencer Erin James told her followers that she’s “so proud” of the people protesting for “freedom” and wishes that she was there with them.

Head here for more on why you should unfollow influencers who share dangerous advice.