A Bunnings Worker Called Out Customers Not Cleaning Up Their Dogs’ Piss & Shit And Valid TBH

A Bunnings worker on Reddit called out pet owners who let their dogs shit and piss all over the store. Frankly, this seems like a very valid complaint. I’m assuming cleaning up pet excrement isn’t in the Bunnings job description.

I’m sure it’s already hard enough trying to prevent people getting hypnotised by the paint sample walls. And I can only imagine how exhausting it is stopping small children from clambering up the display outdoor furniture.

Reddit user smallspringonion posted on r/Sydney asking people point blank to stop bringing their dogs to Bunnings.

“I don’t get paid enough to clean up your dog’s piss and shit,” they wrote.

“If you can’t train your dog not to pee indoors or simply don’t care enough to carry poop bags, for the love of God don’t bring your dogs to a literal shop.”

This is… simply so fair.

“I promise you, your pooch will be just fine at home. Go on a bush walk with them if they need the enrichment that bad,” they added.

I feel like as a general rule of thumb, if you’re bringing a dog to a shop you should be armed with as many poo bags and piss wipes as possible.

Bunnings allows pets in store if they’re in a trolley, carried, or on a lead with a muzzle on. I’m obsessed with the thought of someone bringing their pet ferret into Bunnings. That would be a real treat, assuming it’s house trained.

Another Bunnings employee then chimed in on the thread. They explained they work frequently on the registers and see a lot of leg-cocking action.

“It’s a pretty common occurrence for dogs to lift a leg on the entry door/trolleys/counter/display stacks as they walk in,” they said.

Owners either don’t notice, or do notice and visibly pretend they don’t, even sometimes making eye contact with me and playing dumb.

“Luckily more often than not, they’re just cocking the leg doing the marking the territory thing and nothing comes out — but still makes me nervous in apprehension lol.”

They acknowledged that “accidents happen”. But the “shitty behaviour” afterwards (pardon the pun) is frustrating.

Let a fucking staff member know, or even better, ask us for the stuff to clean it up yourself, we’ll happily help out,” they said.

The dog-owners of Reddit also added to the thread. According to them, a popular solution is putting cardboard in the trolley. They then put their dogs on the cardboard. A portable pee pad, I like it, Picasso.

Bunnings general manager of operations Matt Tyler told 7News that the company has a “common sense approach” when allowing dogs in store.

“This includes cleaning up after dogs, which in most cases we find owners take responsibility for,” he said.

Bunnings workers are not your handy poop scoopers. They are there to navigate all the aisles and pull off that red-green colour combo.

Obviously it’s nice to admire the garden section with your pups — but it’s a basic rule of pet ownership that you don’t let said pup go to absolute town dropping turds all over the place.